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A copse?

One of the many blessings in my life recently, is the train journey I take to work. I never thought using public transport could be a good experience, but for 32 minutes I travel along a particularly beautiful stretch of the Great Western Railway track between Camborne and St Austell. Glimpses of the sea… remains of old mining engine houses dot the landscape. Vegetation gradually changes as within a few miles, freshly ploughed fields, hedgerows with wild purple rhododendrons and pastures with sheep replace the more barren, rugged land of the old mining area in this amazing county.

In the middle of one wooded area is a small clearing. Each time I pass it I wonder why its there. Vast woods surround it and I can’t see any track leading to it. Is it man-made? Is there something in the soil that preventing trees to grow or was it by design many years ago when the woodland was planted. My thoughts drift back to walking Cougs when he was a puppy, on land where young trees were growing to make a woodland in years to come. Who planted the trees? Ken, his wife and two sons, planted a tree in Tilgate park. St Catherines Hospice organised it. Its been a while since I last went to see it. I wonder how tall it is now. Trees….. I have a vague recollection of a lesson about photosynthesis and trees. Details… another time I didn’t pay attention to detail. Good thing God has it all in hand and I don’t need to remember details. 😊

The clearing in the wood. A copse? No. It’s a Glade. I had to look it up. Funny how words not used often can be forgotten. Glade. It is quite a nice word actually. I wonder who thought of it first. I will leave you with that thought my friends. Love to you all

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