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Trains and Boats and Planes

A year ago it was all about hiking boots, walking poles and maps. When I first thought about walking the Southwest Coastal Path in memory of Ken, I had no idea what journey I would be starting. ‘You need to start a blog Mum’ my daughter said and that’s what lead to this part of my journey.

A year later I am commuting by train to work. Work. I didn’t think I would ever be able to consider working again. I could barely take care of myself few years ago and the simplest daily tasks were like mountains… mountains that had to be climbed. But God knew what was in store. He knew exactly what I needed and provided it at the right time. After my first day shadowing someone, to get an idea of the job requirements, I wasn’t sure I was ready. Lord can I do this? What do I have to offer?

Today while on the train heading for my second day shadowing, I was looking out the window….green fields..some with livestock, some empty, some had just been ploughed and some were being harvested. Woodlands and built up areas. Landscape changing as the train made its way along the track. Just like life. We all go through seasons. Some last longer than others. Last May as I walked Southwest Coastal Path I took steps into Spring… It followed a long, very dark and bleak winter. Now my hiking boots and poles have been replaced as I glimpse a new season ahead…summer. The train is not only taking me to work and back. It is taking me on another part of this Mothers walk. I feel excited about where it will lead.

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