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The shock treatment

For the first time in months I stood on the weighing scales today. I knew I had put on a few pounds but my goodness, I didn’t realise it was well into double figures! ☹ Well if I needed any more motivation to get off my butt again then that’s done the trick. 😊 Reminded me of when my older sister, brother and I used to take turns walking passed the scales at the end of the pier when large people got on it. We would snigger as we shared what their weight was. What a horrible child I was sometimes. Need to repent about that tonight.

Rabbit food and more daily exercise need to be added to my daily routine starting tomorrow. Long gone are the days when I didn’t have to think about my weight. Jane Fonda work out here I come again and I may have to get more Vi shake, as that really did the trick few years back.

Anyone know if just fruit and vegetables and water a good diet? I love fruit and veg. 😊 I know the cream tea I was treated to this afternoon was the last one of those I will have for a while.

I best get onto listing parts of SWCP I still to do. Have blessed evening.

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