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Passport in hand. New journey begins

I cannot recall at what age my passion for horses began. I do remember one of my aunts sending me a photograph of a horse named ‘Secret’ which I still have now. That same Aunt wrote me a very long detailed letter when I was 15, in reply to me writing and asking her why a horse I was looking after behaved so badly at a show. I love riding, but developing a relationship and trying to work out what makes them tick, has always been more important to me.

So what has all that got to do with passport and new journey, you may be wondering. Well, today I received Passport for ‘Lady Lulu’. (Horse registration and owners certificate). Yesterday I received ‘Success Series’ plus few other, DVDs on Parelli Natural Horsemanship. Pat Parelli approach is based on understanding the psychology of horses and putting a great deal of time into gaining their trust and becoming their leader. I saw him about 20 years ago and knew this was exactly what I wanted with a horse. At the time I had Hatty but due to lack of time, could not put into practise what was required. Now I have the time to study Parelli way and put it into action with Lady. It could take 2 months or 2 years to get her to accept me on her back and riding without tack, but no rush needed. As with my walk, its not about deadlines. Its about so much more. So as I start this journey, along side my walk with Ken, I look forward to sharing with you how they come together in my heart.

So, like with Hatty, I will spend time sitting in field watching how Lady is in herd, and slowly start our journey together. I feel so very blessed.

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