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When is the end not the end? The beginning or the end?

I hope this doesnt turn out to be a 'you had to be there' time as it was very amusing so I hope this brings that across.

I really not sure where to start as today has been quite eventful. What was meant to be the beginning was to become the end. Or was it? Had company with me today and all started well. Met on time in right location. With two vehicles we could leave one at the end of walk, then drive to start. Yay. Makes it so much easier. Well usually it does. To cut a very long story short, we started at what was to be the end of the walk with intention of walking opposite direction and back to the start. With me so far? Lol. So plan B was walk Porthgwarra to Sennen Cove. Having ignored my companion’s advice I kept going down a narrow lane that had Dead End sign figuring the end would be Porthgwarra. - Oh yes. That was after we had been sat in traffic jam in narrow lane as double decker buses were needing to pass each other on said narrow lane. 😊 On I go and no it wasn’t Porthgwarra. But it was a beautiful spot with a church and a field open for a car park just opposite a footpath sign to Porthgwarra. Perfect we thought. Dear little old lady who was collecting £2 for parking, donated the fee to BCRT and told us how to get onto coastal path.

Off we go and within minutes were enjoying our walk and laughing about events we already had experienced. I knew Wendy would be fun company and Jill added to her humour. I was feeling really good to be back walking. We all took in and commented on the beauty of the coastline, wild flowers, little lilac coloured butterflies, boulders shaped like tortoise and mans head, as well as other weird shapes. Including a couple of what looked like, very large Gnomes hats. One Red and one black and white. We saw cattle, (one of which looked either dead or about to give birth lol). We did wait to see if it moved and to our relief it did. Sadly that was not the case for the adder we saw on the path. We waited and watched. Waited and watched. Then decided it must be dead as a fly landed on it and it still didn’t move.

We had got well into the walk and just started down a particularly steep part when ‘Oh no! My car keys are in your van’ Wendy exclaimed. Jill and I both laughed and carried on negotiating the steps. ‘No. I mean it. They are in my shoe in the back of your van’ So - Wendys car at the end of our walk, (that should have been the beginning), parked at Sennen. Our transport back to my van, we wouldn’t be able to get into. (I forgot to mention Wendy had left her purse in her car). Purse and car at Sennen and keys to car at place we started. (forgotten name). Are you still with me or have you fallen asleep? Lol. Wendy thought it best to phone a friend, (rather than take 50-50 or ask the audience), to come and collect us from Lands End and drive us back to my van.

So we continued down steep steps to where there was a cute little bridge and some ponies grazing nearby. Over the bridge the coastal path went along the side of the cliff rather than along the top and there were a few places where it was very close to the edge. Not for the faint hearted! Not a place to slip or fall. As I had done earlier in the walk.

Geoff, (or was his name Graham?), met up with us about an hour later and we all piled into his car. ‘So where do you need to get to? Porthgwarra?’ ‘Err No. In fact we aren’t sure the name of the place. We parked in a field near a church somewhere’ Wendy replied. Lol lol. There are churches all along coast with fields next to them and down dead ends. Lol. Geoff tried to narrow it down by asking if we had driven through certain named villages. Replies such as ‘We saw a sign for that. Err. I think so’. To say it was like a comedy sketch is an understatement. My tummy was aching from laughing so much. Fortunately Geoff (or Graham), managed to figure out where we meant and got us back to the van, (without meeting double deckers en route). Being a kind soul he waited to make sure my van had started and that Wendys keys were in there, before he headed off.

Once we arrived back at Sennen. (End of walk that should have been beginning), Wendy treated us to a well deserved ice cream, then a long cold drink at pub to end our day perfectly.

Or was it the end? 😊

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