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No Tomatoes for me thanks!

Salad. Its not real food is it? I mean it doesn’t fill you up or taste of anything really. I am very much a meat and two veg person and as for fruit. Oranges and grapes about the only ones I would eat. So how did I get to be sitting here eating various green leaves and tomatoes followed by blueberries and raspberries? I wonder if changes in the brain can change your taste buds. Tomatoes on my plate reminds me of just how much Ken hated tomatoes. It was one of those foods that just the sight of, would almost make him heave. I remember a friend saying ‘Tell Ken he must eat lots of tomatoes’ when he had been diagnosed with cancer. ‘Absolutely no way Mum’ was his reply. He underwent chemo, reconstructive surgery, a new pain relief that was agony, as well as numerous other unpleasant and painful procedures and remedies, but no way would he eat tomatoes. Lol Can just picture his fcae if he were here looking at my plate now.

As my knee is restricting my walking at the moment, I have more time to write and this morning thought I would share a bit about Kens childhood. His Dads comment when he was born was ‘he looks like a right little bruiser’ 😊 How true that was to be! Mind you it wasn’t surprising after he had to fight his way into the world. In labour his heart stopped beating and midwives and doctors arrived as ‘the baby was in distress’. All was ok though and my 8lb 10oz bundle of joy was the 3rd of my 4 children. As he grew up ‘Little Ken’ (what we called him until he was 6ft tall at age 13!), became the joker in the family. He was the one who liked to make everything fun and keep the peace. If anyone was a bit moody, Ken would try to make them laugh. But he was also a climber and visits to A&E became almost a weekly Sunday outing. From split eyebrow, deep cut on cheek, taking top off his finger and digestive problems Ken did his bit to keep steri strip, dressings and dioralite companies in business. He never broke a bone though. (He left that to his 2 brothers).

I think his Karioke debut was in our dining room when he was about 8. Little did we know then that on his 21st birthday he would be singing his heart out with his 2 brothers, mike in hands, in a pub in Swansea. 😊 Ken became my/our little ray of sunshine’ which I’m not sure the other 3 totally agreed with, but they have their unique, special places in my heart for different reasons that are just as precious. I must add that Ken was no saint and we were not ‘The Waltons’ lol.

Time to get out walking for another couple of hours on level ground today. I am trying to walk a few hours a day even though its mostly on level ground and not all on the coastal path. It is in quiet, beautiful countryside so I still having special time with Ken.

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