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The knee or not the knee?

No I am not trying to quote Shakespear and getting it wrong. I leave that to my handsome, theatrical brother and beautiful, clever sisters. You guessed it. My knee really not co operating so this morning I asked myself do I ‘listen’ to my knee or not? As disappointing as it is, wisdom prevailed so I am resting with my leg up, taking ibuprofen and arranging for a sports massage, (blessing from just one of the wonderful people God has lead into my life). Passed couple of days I have done small part of stretch from Hartland Quay towards Bude and a level part beyond Bude. I am sorry to say that I not sticking with my itinerary, but I am very much sticking with the main focus of the walk. (raising awareness of Bone Cancer Research Trust which hopefully will lead to donations to Kens Tribute Fund). Not having access to internet is so releasing and such sense of freedom. Technology is great and has advanced so quickly, that we know an instant response is possible which has so many advantages. But has its draw backs too. The other day I was trying to find a ‘signal’ and it reminded me of when Dad would take us on holiday, but as he never switched off from work he would be looking for a phone box. How things have changed, but yet remained the same. Looking for a way to communicate from a distance. Smoke signals, drums, whistles, yodelling, morse code, lighthouses, fog horns… all ways to communicate over distance and I daresay still used in some parts of the world. I am sure there are other ways too. If its important enough, a message can be got through. I am pleased can get signal for phone and internet now and then though. 😊

‘Why are you being a martyr?’ was a question I was asked yesterday. (Asked out of love not being unkind). I didn’t think I was being a martyr but it made me think. What is the true meaning of a martyr. (Couldn’t ask Google and didn’t bring a dictionary). I pondered and ask the Lord instead of gaining immediate definition or someones opinion. What jumped out at me was martyrs do things for a cause and want to be seen to be suffering for it. The cause no doubt is very important to them, as BCRT is to me. But I do not want to suffer or have attention drawn to myself. I want to see BCRT able to fund every possible path of research into Bone Cancer so more chance of it having a positive prognosis, or even better, eradicated.

I LOVE walking and the further from civilisation I am, the less I get distracted and the more beauty in creation I see. The clearer I see each morning what God wants my day to be. Today He wants me resting in most beautiful, peaceful place where all I can hear is odd fly, bee or wasp buzzing around, birds singing and maybe a quack or moo now and then from the farms ducks and herd. Ken would hate it. Lol. No pub with a karaoke night for miles. He loved singing. Rat Trap/Crooners songs were his favourites when behind closed doors. Think he did sing one on an open mike for my Dad once when we were staying on a site for couple of nights before my little sisters wedding.

Now to find a wifi signal and post this plus search for local physio or sports massager. (Cant spell massure). Lol.

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